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An inspector’s perspective: severe boiler damage

Curious what a boiler inspector inspects on a given day? Today we’re looking at a high-pressure boiler that was in serious need of help. 

First up – the feedwater inlet piping for this high-pressure boiler. Not only did the water chemistry at this location need to be adjusted, but the feedwater piping was also so corroded that it had to be replaced.

Here you can see the build-up of scale on the internal surfaces of the boiler. In some cases, the scale is greater than 1/4″, which resulted in the overheating of the furnace and/or tubes. 

Due to the overheating of the firetube boiler, several tubes have “blown”. 

Catching these issues before they worsen any further helps avoid potential danger. We’re grateful to be able to provide quality inspections that create safer working environments for our customers. 

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