Wondering what a boiler inspector sees on a jobsite? One of our inspectors documented some safety issues he discovered with an air tank, feedwater tank and boiler. Let’s see what he finds.
Take a look at this air tank safety relief valve – the discharge still had the plug from the manufacturer in place, indicating the valve was not being tested.
This is a drain line for an air tank in which the manual drain is not operational. If you look carefully, you can see that an automatic drain was installed but wasn’t plugged in.
This feedwater tank supplies water to a boiler, and the water temperature is supposed to be about 140 degrees. This tank’s water was just 80 degrees!
This photo shows the front door of a firetube boiler. The long strand of material hanging below the door opening indicates leakage from the boiler.
Boiler safety valves have a small weep hole, and on this valve, the hole is completely clogged with mineral deposits.
It’s essential that safety issues like these be caught before they prove hazardous. That’s why we do what we do: to help protect our clients and enable them to do their best work.
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