Monthly Archives: September 2020

Meet Darryl Royal, Jr.

Meet Darryl Royal, Jr., one of BPC’s newest inspectors. BPC is proud of the fact that Darryl recently obtained his National Board of Boiler and Pressure Vessel Inspectors Commission.  Darryl is the third candidate this year who has completed the BPC Apprentice Program and obtained his commission. We are pleased to have him join our team.  

Read more about Darryl’s new job, his family and his excitement to start a new career with BPC. 


BPC: How did you hear about BPC?

I heard about BPC through my dad, Darryl Royal, Sr., who also works in the same field. 

BPC: How long have you been working for BPC? What did you do before coming on board?

I have been with BPC since October of last year and have been working as an apprentice inspector. Once we’ve relocated to my new territory, I will be a jurisdictional inspector. 

I graduated college from Eastern Kentucky University in 2015 with a degree in Occupational Safety and spent five years trying to break into the field. BPC realized that my degree could be put to use as an inspector. Before BPC, I had been employed in various manufacturing positions, trying to get a foot in the door to put my degree to use.

BPC: What kind of objects will you be  inspecting?

I will be inspecting a variety of boilers as well as pressure vessels, such as air or CO2 tanks. 

BPC: What are some interesting things you’ve seen during your training?

I’ve seen a wide variety of boilers ranging from small electric boilers to large power boilers that are the size of a building.

I’ve enjoyed getting hands-on experience in the day-to-day operations of Scotch Marine firetube boilers, including learning startup procedures, what to do in the event of the boiler shutting down, and completing various checks throughout daily machine operations.

BPC: What do you enjoy most about working here?

I appreciate how fellow inspectors and leadership are always there to assist. We live in a digital age now so if an inspector needs confirmation on a suspected violation, that help is only a phone call away. 

BPC: What do you think sets BPC apart from your competitors?

BPC is my first foray into this career. They were willing to take me on and put in the effort to prepare me for my career ahead. They’ve provided me with all of my training and education. Before BPC, many of the other companies I applied for turned me away based on a lack of experience. BPC was willing and able to give me the foot in the door. They have helped me get the experience I needed to become a successful inspector.

BPC: Tell us about your family and life outside of work. 

I enjoy spending time with my family. My wife, Kelli, and I have six kids ranging in age from 14 to three months. We enjoy getting out and taking hikes at a local nature trail, going on family outings and gaming together at home.

BPC: How do you feel about joining the team? 

Being invested in by BPC makes me feel incredibly lucky. I’d like to first thank my dad for putting my name forward to get everything started.

Second, I’d like to thank Tom Kiernan and Manny Regateiro for interviewing me and deciding that I was worth the investment.

Third, I’d like to thank my supervisor, Del Schirmer, for the efforts he put in to ensure I got the training and education I need to succeed in the field.

Last, but certainly not least, I’d like to thank all of my trainers. Without them, I would not have the depth of knowledge or the resources to do well. In no particular order, they are: Darryl Royal, Sr., Luke O’Toole, Jerry Bratcher, Mark Edwards, Tim Craddock, Paul Bourgeois, and Bob Grant.

I am very eager to get to work on my own. This is the job I set out to get when I started college and I’m excited to finally get to work!


BPC is so fortunate to have Darryl join our team. We appreciate you, Darryl!